Welcome to the PaperCircuit podcast series - Indian Innovators.
My first guest is Vivek Mundkur. I have known him since about 1993 when I first started getting interested in hang-gliding. I was an aero-modeler until then and my aero-modeling guide, Capt. Bhole mentioned that I should meet up with Col. Vivek Mundkur and try out hang-gliding. That was a life-changing moment for me.
I got to know Vivek really well as I learned to hang-glide and later built my own hang-glider with him. We flew it one afternoon in 1995 at the hill behind his Kudje farmhouse. I also learned sailing, wind-surfing, and the art of jugaad (tinkering) from him over the course of many years in the 90s.
View and listen to our chat and see first-hand why he is such an inspiration to everyone…
Vivek Mundkur -pioneer of hang-gliding in India