Capsule Endeavor docks with the ISS - Doug and Bob climb aboard...

What a fantastic display of absolute perfection. From NASA and SpaceX we get the first commercial human spaceflight aboard the Falcon 9 workhorse. Crew Dragon capsule, renamed to Endeavor by Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken smoothly docked with the ISS Saturday morning. Within an hour they opened up the vestibule and clambered aboard the ISS welcomed by the current Commander, Chris Cassidy.

Doug & Bob join Cmd. Chris Cassidy, Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner aboard the ISS.

Doug & Bob join Cmd. Chris Cassidy, Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner aboard the ISS.

And to give you a perspective of how busy the ISS is today, here’s a shot of 5 spaceships docked at the ISS today.. how’s that for an episode of Deep Space Nine ? 😀